Learn about the amazing young conservationists who have spent time at Corkscrew as Conservation Interns along the course of their career paths. Here's what our former interns are doing now and what they think of when they reflect back on their time living and working in the swamp.
NICK LECHMANIK Summer 2020 |
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Favorite experience: Prescribed fire Biggest surprise about the job: Diverse wildlife on trail cameras Most memorable wildlife sighting: Prothonotary Warbler Favorite swamp plant: Ghost orchid "I loved every aspect of the internship. It challenged me, motivated me, and solidified that this is what I want to do for a career." |
JULIE KECLIK Spring/Summer 2020 |
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AYANNA BROWNE Fall/Winter 2019-20 Current Position- Wildlife Technician, Nemours Wildlife Foundation |
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Favorite experience: Wading bird surveying Most essential piece of field gear: Binoculars Biggest surprise about the job: The number of invasive plants in Florida Most memorable wildlife sighting: A family of 4 panthers Favorite swamp plant: Swamp lily Most valuable new skill: Tractor driving Best advice for a future intern: Make a habit of setting reminders, it will be your best friend |
SAM GOSS Fall/Winter 2019-20 Current Position- |
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Favorite swamp animal: Green Heron Most essential piece of field gear: Multi-tool and wading boots Most important lesson learned: Stay flexible to accommodate a shifting field schedule Favorite experience: Wading bird surveys & minnow trapping Most valuable new skill: Leading a field crew Best advice for a future intern: Stay flexible, positive, and say 'yes' to every experience or training that you can be part of. |
BRIAN FEDAK Summer/Fall 2019 Current Position- Field Technician, Audubon's Everglades Science Center |
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ALEX NEWMAN-CARO Spring/Summer 2019 |
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DANA NOBLE Spring/Summer 2019 |
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KENDALL WILLIAMS Winter/Spring 2019 Current position: Hourly Technician, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources |
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Favorite experience: Fish surveys Most essential piece of field gear: WATER! Biggest surprise about the job: the number of species in South Florida Most valuable new skill: Perseverence Best advice for a future intern: Make the most of your time there! It is such a beautiful property so explore all you can! |
Fall/Winter 2018-9 Current Position- Lead Technician- Snail Kite Monitoring (Lake Okeechobee), Florida Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit |
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Favorite swamp animal: Sailfin Molly Most memorable wildlife sighting: Southern Ringneck Snake Most valuable new skill: Orienteering Most important lesson learned: Always be aware of your surroundings! Most essential piece of field gear: Buff Best advice for a future intern: Take every opportunity offered to you during your time at Corkscrew. You never know what you're passionate about until you give it a try! |
Fall/Winter 2018-9 Current Position- Graduate Research Assistant, Dept of Biology, Ball State University |
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Biggest surprise about the job: Being waist deep in swamp water is pretty cool Most memorable wildlife sighting: Seeing two male bobcats on the boardwalk Favorite swamp animal: Everglade Snail Kite Most valuable new skill: Being able to ID wading birds from a million miles away Most essential piece of field gear: Multi-tool Best advice for a future intern: Exploring the boardwalk in your spare time is one of the best ways to see wildlife |
Fall/Winter 2018-9 Current Position- Graduate Student, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of WIlliam & Mary |
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Favorite swamp animal: Roseate Spoonbill Most valuable new skill: Figuring out how to fix things in the field Favorite experience: Participating in prescribed burns Most memorable wildlife sighting: Accidentally stepping on an alligator Most essential piece of field gear: Sunglasses Advice for future interns: Be open to new experiences- you may be surprised what you enjoy the most |
RANDI BOWMAN Fall/Winter 2018-9 Current Position- PhD student, Ecology and Evolution, Florida State University |
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Favorite experience: Wood Stork nest monitoring flight Biggest surprise about the job: Opportunities to volunteer Favorite swamp animals: Alligators and all snakes Most important lesson learned: Never wear sandals within 5 ft of a fire ant mound Most valuable new skill: Learning to identify macroinvertebrates to species Best advice for a future intern: Whatever it means to you, make the most of your time here. Whether that is walking the boardwalk every chance you get or getting out of the Gator Hole every once in a while, enjoy your time here. It goes much faster than you think! |
AMANDA BRESSOUD Spring/Fall 2018 Current Position- M.S. Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Natural Resource Ecology and Management (Oklahoma State University) |
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Favorite experience: Driving the swamp buggy Most essential piece of field gear: A hat! Most important lesson learned: To have more confidence in myself Most valuable new skill: Learning to identify plants very quickly Most memorable wildlife sighting: The panther right outside the lab! Biggest surprise about the job: A lot of working independently |
KEVIN MERRIGAN Summer 2018 Current Position- Sea Turtle Conservation Research Field Assistant, Osa Conservation, Costa Rica |
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Most memorable wildlife sighting: Seeing a Barred Owl staring me down wile on the job Favorite swamp animal: Alligator Most essential piece of field gear: Cap, but bring snacks and water! Biggest surprise of the job: How much work goes into removing invasive plant species Most valuable new skill: Being able to identify both native and non-native plant species Best advice for a future intern: Take advantage of walking the boardwalk when you have time. Try to get familiar with both the plants and animals around you- it gives you a great sense of place. |
MELISSA GONZALEZ Spring/Summer 2018 Current Position- Training Specialist II, Florida Park Service, District 3 |
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Favorite experience: Watching the 2018 dry-season feeding frenzy Biggest surprise about the job: Opportunities to network/volunteer Favorite swamp animal: Peninsula Newt Most memorable wildlife sighting: Seeing a panther chase deer Most valuable new skill: Tolerating insects Best advice for a future intern: Don’t take the boardwalk for granted and walk it as frequently as you can after work, you will regret not being out there enough when you leave. The Gator Hole is a great place for inner reflection, enjoy the Gator Hole while you’re there. Lastly, strike a pose in front of the trail cameras, it’s showtime baby! |
KELSIE BUXBAUM Fall/Winter 2017-8 Current Position- Wildlife Technician, Idaho Fish and Game |
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Favorite experience: Flying over Corkscrew for a Wood Stork survey, while the cypress were changing colors. It took my breath away! Most essential piece of field gear: A hat, sunscreen, and a smile Favorite swamp animal: Amphiuma Most memorable wildlife sighting: Watching an alligator eating a turtle from the boardwalk Most valuable new skill: Being able to handle and identify fish Best advice for a future intern: Come ready to learn. There are so many wonderful people here ready to share what they know- try to take it all in. |
HAYDEN DEAKINS Fall/Winter 2017-8 Current Position- Trails Crew, Great Smoky Mountains National Park |
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Favorite experience: Watching a sunset from the backcountry observation deck Most essential piece of field gear: Sunglasses and a hat Biggest surprise about the job: How important vehicles are to land management in a wetland ecosystem Most memorable wildlife sighting: Seeing a Florida Panther dash across a road at Panther Island Most valuable new skill: How to select which herbicide for a specific plant based on its growth characteristics Best advice for a future intern: Get yourself out of the Gator Hole on the weekends and go explore |
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COURTNEY KERN Summer 2017 Current Position- M.S. Student, Florida Gulf Coast University |
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Favorite experience: herp survey Most essential piece of field gear: stick for fending off spiders Most important lesson learned: don't be afraid to try new things! Most valuable new skill: how to correctly record scientific data Most memorable wildlife sighting: Everglades mink "In a matter of months, I learned so many skills that will follow me throughout my life. The people I met and formed friendships with are people who I know I can rely heavily on. I continue to do volunteer work at Corkscrew because I love it so much!" |
KRISTINA HSU Spring/Summer 2017 Current Position- M.S. Graduate Student in Geographic Information Science & Technology (University of Southern California) |
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NICK CHARLES Winter/Spring 2017 Current Position- Environmental Staff Scientist, Geosyntec Consultants (Greenville, SC) |
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Favorite swamp animal: Swallow-tailed Kite Favorite experience: surveying the Central Marsh Transect Most essential piece of field gear: water bottle with ice Biggest surprise about the job: the variety of responsibilities Most important lesson learned: take care of your physiological needs in the heat "Take as many opportunities that are presented to you as possible in this internship to learn and grow as a professional." |
CONNOR PARENTI Fall/Winter 2016-7 Current Position- Biological Science Technician, US Forest Service |
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Favorite experience: seeing a Florida Panther Most essential piece of field gear: a good hat Favorite swamp animal: Crested Caracara Most important lesson learned: always make a checklist If someone is coming to live in The Gator Hole they should be sure to pack: lots of books |
KATRINA FERNALD Fall/Winter 2016-7 Current Position- Piping Polver Technician, Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge |
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Favorite experience: rediscovering the Central Marsh Transect Biggest surprise about the job: the lasting satisfaction after a hard day at work Most memorable wildlife sighting: Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Most valuable new skill: operating and maintaining a variety of vehicles Most important lesson learned: you can accomplish more than you think possible if you have confidence in your own abilities "This internship gave me the skills, and more importantly the confidence, to go after the jobs I wanted" |
DANIELLE DRUMHELLER Spring/Summer 2016 Current Position- M.S. Student, Florida Atlantic University |
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Favorite experience: swamp walk! Biggest surprise about the job: the amount of independence I would have Most memorable wildlife sighting: meeting panthers on my way out to do laundry :) Most valuable new skills: plant identification and navigation Favorite swamp animal: Swallow-tailed kite Best advice for a future intern: Ask as many questions as you can. You will have an amazing group of mentors and you are here to learn! |
LAUREN GARSTKA Spring/Summer 2016 Current Position- Restoration Technician, Soil Ecology and Restoration Group, San Diego State University |
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Favorite experience: Wood Stork monitoring flight Biggest surprise about the job: how many different opportunities/things we were able to do and be a part of. Favorite swamp animal: Snowy Egret Most important lesson learned: Jump at every opportunity, even if you're afraid of it because you never know when you'll get a second chance. |
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BRIAN EACHUS Fall/Winter 2015-6 Current Position- Graduate Research Assistant (M.S.), Integrative Biology, Oklahoma State University |
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Most essential piece of field gear: more water than you think you need! Biggest surprise about the job: the wide range of experiences offered Most memorable wildlife sighting: Florida Panther Favorite swamp animal: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly "Never be afraid to ask questions if you are uncertain about a task or when you want to learn and understand more about a project or the area you are working in." |
MELCOLM CRUTCHFIELD Fall/Winter 2015-6 Current Position- Intern, Everglades BioCorps |
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Favorite swamp animal: Little Blue Heron Most memorable wildlife sighting: seeing a Sora Most important lesson learned: fire ants bite Most valuable new skill: navigation Biggest surprise about the job: the pure enjoyment "This internship had wonderful elements from diversity, leadership development to personal responsibilities. Moreover, I believe that whoever completes it becomes part of a legacy of future conservationists, educators, and researchers." |
MATT BURKE Summer 2016 Current Position- Biological Aide, Clearwater Fish Hatchery, Idaho Fish & Game |
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Favorite experience: getting to drive the swamp buggy Most essential piece of field gear: a good pair of boots (waterproof if possible, even though it probably won't matter) as you spend a lot of time walking around in the swamp Most memorable wildlife sighting: Florida Black Bear Favorite swamp animal: Alligator- never get tired of seeing them Most important lesson learned: If you're not 100% sure if you're doing something correctly, it's probably wrong and you should probably ask for help. |
EMILY MCCALL Spring/Summer 2015 Current Position- Wildlife Technician, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources |
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Most essential piece of field gear: a good sense of humor! And enough water Most memorable wildlife sighting: finding a scorpion tangled in my hair after a day of work Favorite swamp plant: Swamp Hibiscus (Hibiscus coccineus) Most valuable new skill: learning invasive species on the go "See and learn about the Everglades as much as possible, they are literally one of a kind! And don't poke a gator with a stick!" |
EVAN BARRIENTOS Spring/Summer 2015 Current Position- Communications and Marketing Coordinator, Audubon Rockies |
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Favorite experience: prescribed fire Advice for future interns: Explore the Sanctuary and surrounding areas as much as possible. Also, read "A Land Remembered." |
JENNIFER BREEN Fall/Winter 2014-5 Current Position- M.S. Student, Landscape Architecture-Restoration Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
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Biggest surprise about the job: it went by too quickly Most essential pieces of field gear: machete, water bottle "This internship allows you to push yourself, to work with new people, and to really get out of your comfort zone to try new things. Working at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary has been one of my favorite internships and I would go back in a heartbeat!" |
JACOB ZETZER Winter/Spring 2014 Current Position- Restoration Technician, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary |
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Favorite experience: Being able to explore the property to its fullest extent, and seeing things most people who visit the sanctuary do not get to see Most essential piece of field gear: Long-sleeved shirt, it will protect you from the sun and poison ivy Most memorable wildlife sighting: Bear cubs Most important lesson learned: Be prepared for anything Best advice for a future intern: Enjoy the experience, hard work is rewarding in the end. Go explore Naples, Ft. Myers, and surrounding areas. There are numerous parks and sights to see. |
EMILY UHLMANN Winter/Spring 2014 Current Position- Park Ranger, Highlands Hammock State Park (Florida) |
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Most valuable new skill: everything having to do with prescribed fire Favorite experience: swamp walks and seeing what awesome critters we "captured" with our trail cameras Favorite swamp plant: buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) |
HANA NARDI Fall/Winter 2013-4 Current Position- Fisheries & Wildlife Biological Scientist II (Babcock Webb Wildlife Management Area), Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission |
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Favorite experience: setting up camera trap array Biggest surprise about the job: frequent wildlife sightings Favorite swamp plant: Swamp Hibiscus Most valuable new skill: Swamp buggy operation "My internship at CSS was a key stepping stone in my career as a wildlife biologist in Florida. I can't say enough about how supportive everyone was and how much I took away from the experience." |
GREG KOSIK Fall/Winter 2013-4 Current Position- Program Specialist, University of Georgia - Camp Jekyll |
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Most valuable new skill: learning about general land management practices- I’ve definitely had to reflect back on what I learned during this internship in each job I’ve had after Most essential piece of field gear: pocket knife Best wildlife sighting: an adult male panther...SO COOL!!!! Biggest surprise about the job: how much fun it would be!!! |
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