
Marshall Olson

Director of Conservation

Marshall Olson is the Director of Conservation for the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. Marshall has an extensive background in wildlife habitat management and forestry.

After graduating from Washington State University in Wildlife Management and Forestry, Marshall went to work for the U.S. Forest Service as a forester and firefighter. He later started a forestry consulting business, specializing in habitat restoration, often using prescribed burning.

For the past 20 years or so, Marshall served in a variety of senior Environmental, Health, Safety and Natural Resources positions for Alcoa Power Generating and Brookfield Renewable. He led teams that ensured environmental compliance with state and federal requirements for hydroelectric projects and their accompanying transmission lines. As you might expect, the nature of this work involved a high level of state and federal agency scrutiny. Success was largely dependent on building partnerships with NGOs, environmental and natural resources agencies, and other stakeholders by demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement and transparency. 

Marshall was also a member of world-wide biodiversity lead teams, helping develop strategic plans that determined biological diversity of defined areas, identified biodiversity values, and prioritized actions for management, protection and/or restoration of biodiversity on private lands and waterways.

In addition to viewing wildlife on land, Marshall enjoys boating and fishing as much as possible.

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