
Volunteer Spotlight: Lucas Vincent

Bright Futures scholarship holder served as a boardwalk sweeper volunteer in spring of 2024.

At Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, we rely on many volunteers to meet the goals of our mission. While our volunteers are typically 18 years or older, this year, we were lucky to meet Lucas Vincent, who demonstrated clear dedication and commitment. Lucas is a Bright Futures scholarship holder who is getting ready to graduate from home school.  

While this wasn't Vincent's first time volunteering, it was his first regular volunteer role. Being a boardwalk sweeper volunteer at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary was the perfect opportunity  for him to gain service-learning hours, given his love of animals and being in nature.

The boardwalk is a critical aspect of our public engagement program, and the need to sweep it clear of debris is ongoing. Sweeping makes the boardwalk safer for visitors and extends its life by protecting the wood from rotting beneath soggy leaves and vegetation.

While volunteering, Vincent learned amazing facts about birds from other boardwalk sweepers, many of whom are also boardwalk naturalists. He now recognizes many of the same species in his own backyard.  In addition to learning from the other volunteers, Lucas enjoyed interacting with visitors, who often thanked him for his efforts.

Now that graduation is approaching, although we are sorry to see Lucas move on, we wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.  After graduation, he plans to serve a church mission and hopes to be accepted into university, with his heart set on Florida State University. Vincent thinks he will become a storyteller, either in literature or film or maybe both.

We look forward to seeing what Vincent accomplishes in the next stage of his life. Maybe he will return to tell stories at the Sanctuary someday.

A variety of volunteer opportunities are available year-round, but during the summer, we always need help with boardwalk sweeping. Consider applying today.

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