
A Really Rainy Summer Raises Water Levels in the Swamp

With 11.38 inches of rain recorded at the Sanctuary in August, we received slightly above the 10.8-inch August average.

Combined with 9.5 inches in July and a whopping 17.72 inches in June brought on by several heavy, punctuated rain events, above-average rainfall this summer has kept our water levels high, enabling fish, crustaceans, and other aquatic prey to spread out across the landscape.  

September also started very wet with 4.34 inches recorded in the first three days! 

Graph showing vertical bars with monthly rainfall and averages
Monthly rainfall totals for the 2025 water year, which started in June.
Water level graph showing a rapid rise in June.
Heavy, punctuated rain events quickly increased our water levels this rainy season and above average rainfall have kept our water levels higher than average. The red line is the water level for the 2025 water year, which started in June. The gray shaded area is the average range for year 2000 through 2024.

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