Lunch & Learn: Florida’s Wetland Permitting Process
Event Date: Event Date: July 6, 2016 from Noon to 1:00 pm
Location: Corkscrw Swamp Sanctuary Blair Audubon Visitor Center classroom
Lunch & Learn Event: Florida’s Wetland Permitting Process: Understanding permitting, mitigation, and Audubon’s role in protecting critical habitat
Speaker: Danielle Drumheller Land Stewardship Intern, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary
Bring along your lunch to hear Corkscrew's Land Stewardship Intern, Danielle Drumheller, talk about the delicate balancing act between state and federal regulatory agencies, environmental experts, activists, developers and contractors. This will be the culmination of Danielle’s independent intern project where she has assisted Audubon Florida’s policy team in efforts to track wetland permits through the UMAM (Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method) process. Time will be allotted for questions and discussion.
Attendees are encouraged to bring their lunches or purchase food and drinks at the Tea Room Cafe. This on-going lecture series is open to the general public at no charge and time is allowed for questions or discussion (attendees wishing to spend time on the boardwalk will be asked to pay Sanctuary admission).

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